Add "recovered" Build Status to conditional notify attribute of pipeline configuration

Currently the notify attribute in pipeline configuration allows a conditional build status, defined as:

Build state can be one of scheduled , running , passed , failed , blocked , canceling , canceled , skipped , not_run , and finished . finished is a shortcut for a build of passed , failed , blocked , and canceled state.

When configuring notifications through the Web UI, eg. notifying by email, the conditions can include a “Recovered” status, which is very useful in reducing the noise of ongoing successful builds.

Would it be possible to add this “Recovered” status to the list of conditional build statuses available in the notify section of the pipeline configuration?

This is a good idea! I think we call this “fixed” within the current notification settings.

Hi @trammel, a fixed property is now available in notification conditionals, which will indicate the same as the “fixed” status we send in our own notifications. Hope that helps! :slight_smile: