Buildkite with input steps and schedules

Hello UnknownTester404,

Thanks for reaching out. With dynamic pipeline, you are replacing your pipeline.yml file with a shell scripts. Lets say you have 200 lines in your pipeline.yml file, essentially, you are just adding a bit of code and carrying over the same logic.

For example:

 command : |

      if: build.source == "scheduled"

      cat <<- YAML | buildkite-agent pipeline upload 

        Contents of pipeline.yml file


Just to make sure that we undertsand it right, are you intending to have your steps unblocked with a default value, without manual intervention ?

If that is the use case with scheduled build, you can set the default value as mentioned in Input step | Buildkite Documentation , however, this would still require manual intervention to unblock the step as by design, input steps are intended to block your build from completing, but do not automatically block other steps from running unless they specifically depend upon it.