Different instance sizes

Hi all!

Am I correct that the Elastic CI Stack for AWS does not support multiple instance sizes (queues)? Here’s what I’m trying to solve now:

  • One Buildkite organization
  • One AWS organization for CI stack
  • Many pipelines & jobs with different needs
  • Some jobs do require bare-metal instances (e.g. Android simulator & KVM), but these are expensive, and it requires more aggressive down-scaling to keep costs low
  • Some jobs do require less powerful instances
  • Some jobs are beefy and do require a way more power

Something like:

  • default - queue for most of the jobs
  • metal - queue with bare-metal instances
  • beefy - queue with way more powerful instances

I wrote queue, but it can be an agent label or anything like this.

How would you achieve this with your Elastic CI Stack for AWS?


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Hello @zrzka and welcome to the Buildkite community!

Elastic CI Stack doesn’t support multiple queues, but in your case, you can work around this by having one Stack for each queue you’d like to have:

  • default - Stack with a queue for most of the jobs

  • metal - Stack with a queue with bare-metal instances

  • beefy - Stack with a queue with way more powerful instances

  • etc.