Group Step Concurrency Group

Hey there :wave:

With the introduction of the Group step | Buildkite Documentation it would be great to be able to set the concurrency group on that step to avoid needing to setup a concurrency gate.

This would make not only our pipeline’s alot cleaner but be easier for user’s to be able to set it up. In the background you could treat it the same as setting up a concurrency gate.

Hi @sam-seek!

Welcome to the community! :wave: Thank you for raising this feedback. Let me forward this to our product team.


Hi @sam-seek ,

I am from the product team at Buildkite. Thanks for the feedback, group steps are something we will look into into improving in a few months so this could be considered than.

Do you mind explaining your use case a bit better? What is the group step you are thinking of and why you need concurrency gating in that?

Thanks a lot,

Hey sure we have a concurrency gate requirement. So we can’t have multiple builds deploy over staging since we can only have 1 deployment active, so we need to lock the deploy until the e2e has successfully run. We have multiple deploy steps and cannot combine them. I understand that we can use a concurrency gate but that’s quite verbose.

  - group: 'Deploy Staging'
    # concurrency_group here would be nice
      - command: echo "Running deployment to staging environment"

      - command: echo "Running deployment worker to staging environment"

      - wait
      - command: echo "Running e2e tests after the deployment"

Thanks @sam-seek this is very helpful. I’ll update you as we get closer to getting to this piece of work. Right now I don’t think we’ll get to it in the by next year, but I’ll reach out and provide more accurate timing when we are planning the work.

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