Org: iterationlab
User: yinghai [AT] iterationlab [DOT] org
User reports that he has an invite in his inbox, but no organization after clicking.
I think I sent the invite before he was in gsuite on his first day but now I can’t resend it.
Org: iterationlab
User: yinghai [AT] iterationlab [DOT] org
User reports that he has an invite in his inbox, but no organization after clicking.
I think I sent the invite before he was in gsuite on his first day but now I can’t resend it.
Hey @sshleifer
Welcome to the Buildkite Community Forums!
You will be able to revoke and resend any pending invites from the Users page for an Organization, at the bottom of the page it will list any pending invites, for example:
If there are still issues with the User accepting the invitation could we ask you reach out to us by email at
Emailed, thanks