Issue - running pipeline in buildkite during PRs in Github

Trying to make a pipeline through a tutorial(1) about cucumber testing. He is using Mac, I’m using Windows so there is some issues.

(1) =

Hey @Stephanie!

Thanks for your post and welcome to the Buildkite community! The course you’ve linked to is a paid course, so we can’t see the content of it. Are you able to share the contents of your .buildkite/ file? Or would you be able to email us at if the contents are something you’d rather not share?

Additionally, have you followed our set up guide for installing the agent on a Windows machine?



My issue is I dont know how to write the powershell script. Error Im getting.

> ./buildkite/ | buildkite-agent pipeline upload
./buildkite/ : The term './buildkite/' is not recognized as the
name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the
name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
+ ./buildkite/ | buildkite-agent pipeline upload
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (./buildkite/ [], Comman
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

More info…

File location

File content (


set -euo pipefail


function build() {
  cat <<EOF
  - name: ":desktop_computer: Automation"
  - command: "./scripts/"


Hey @Stephanie!

Thanks for the follow up information!

I believe this might be a Windows file referencing quirk; Windows prefers \ over /, so you’d need to change your referencing to .\buildkite\, I also think that PowerShell requires a leading . to mount the file and possibly a call to Bash.

I think if you change your command to be the following, it might help resolve the issue:

bash . .\buildkite\ | buildkite-agent upload

