No basic auth credentials, yet using ECR plugin

    login: true
    account_ids: "436617320022"
    no-include-email: true
    image: ""
    workdir: /data/job
    timeout: 120

Running plugin GitHub - buildkite-plugins/ecr-buildkite-plugin: 🔐 Login to an AWS ECR registry pre-command hook 0s
Authenticating with AWS ECR to 436617320022 5s
WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
Login Succeeded
Running plugin GitHub - buildkite-plugins/docker-buildkite-plugin: 🐳📦 Run any build step in a Docker container command hook 0s
docker Running /bin/sh -e -c 'echo “+++ :hammer: Building” && \ 1s
echo 1 ./ &&
echo “— Compressing build directory :compression:” &&
tar -pczf build.tar.gz build/
’ in
Unable to find image ‘’ locally
docker: Error response from daemon: Get no basic auth credentials.
See ‘docker run --help’.
:rotating_light: Error: The command exited with status 125

I’m curious if someone knows why a successful login with the ECR plugin still causes the docker command to fail?

Tried 2.1.0, still no difference.

Running plugin GitHub - buildkite-plugins/docker-buildkite-plugin: 🐳📦 Run any build step in a Docker container command hook 0s
$ /var/lib/buildkite-agent/plugins/github-com-buildkite-plugins-docker-buildkite-plugin-v2-1-0/hooks/command
:hammer: Enabling debug mode 0s
docker Running /bin/sh -e -c 'echo “+++ :hammer: Building” && \ 1s
echo 1 ./ &&
echo “— Compressing build directory :compression:” &&
tar -pczf build.tar.gz build/
’ in
$ docker run -it --rm --volume /var/lib/buildkite-agent/builds/automation-builder-fleet/EOSIO/eosio-dot-cdt-dot-testing:/data/job --workdir /data/job --env BUILDKITE_JOB_ID --env BUILDKITE_BUILD_ID --env BUILDKITE_AGENT_ACCESS_TOKEN --volume /usr/bin/buildkite-agent:/usr/bin/buildkite-agent /bin/sh -e -c echo “+++ :hammer: Building” &&
echo 1 ./ &&
echo “— Compressing build directory :compression:” &&
tar -pczf build.tar.gz build/
Unable to find image ‘’ locally
docker: Error response from daemon: Get no basic auth credentials.
See ‘docker run --help’.
:rotating_light: Error: The command exited with status 1

That’s a tricky one! There can be a few causes. Let’s see if we can narrow it down!

First up, when you have plugins that depend on ordering, it’s a good idea to use a list for plugins vs a map. It’s rare, but there can be ordering issues with maps as yaml doesn’t guarantee enumeration order. Beyond that, the other possibility is that the ECR login is happening in a region other than us-west-2, which would explain the issue. Do you know what region your agent instance is in?

Perhaps you could try:

  - ecr#v1.1.4:
      login: true
      account_ids: "436617320022"
      no-include-email: true
      region: us-west-2
  - docker#v2.0.0:
      image: ""
      workdir: /data/job
      timeout: 120
1 Like

Turns out it was the region that was the issue. However, the - before the plugins seems to have broken it, throwing:Error: Failed to parse plugin definition: Configuration for "" is not a hash

All set, thanks for the help!

That’s odd, I wonder if perhaps the indenting didn’t come through correctly? The dashes are very important for ordering, otherwise you might login after your docker command!

I’m seeing 100% of runs so far order things properly, without dashes. I’ll keep an eye out on the runs and look for it mixing them up.

Yup, it’s deterministically unordered! Up to you, but I promise it’s a convention that will eventually lead to very confusing ordering issues.

Hey Lox, wanted to follow up on this. So far all of the pipelines are choosing the proper order for plugins using:

    login: true
    account_ids: "123"
    no-include-email: true
    region: "us-west-2"
    debug: false
    image: ""
    workdir: /data/job

Is this a problem with the version of buildkite we’re using? We’re using v3.7.0. Wonder if you have any ideas why I can’t use a list ( - before docker and ecr lines) without it failing. Thanks!

When I use this pipeline yaml:

  - label: "test"
    command: echo hello world
    - ecr#v1.1.4:
        login: true
        account_ids: "123"
        no-include-email: true
        region: "us-west-2"
    - docker#v2.1.0:
        debug: false
        image: ""
        workdir: /data/job

And run it with buildkite-agent pipeline upload --dry-run test.yml, I get the following parse output:

  "steps": [
      "label": "test",
      "command": "echo hello world",
      "plugins": [
          "ecr#v1.1.4": {
            "login": true,
            "account_ids": "123",
            "no-include-email": true,
            "region": "us-west-2"
          "docker#v2.1.0": {
            "debug": false,
            "image": "",
            "workdir": "/data/job"

That all looks right to me! Are you able to replicate those results?

buildkite-agent version 3.7.0, build 2659

Odd, I still can’t get the plugins in a yaml list to work. I originally thought it might be that I’ve got - command: and no label. But adding a `- label: “test” and then command on the next line doesn’t change it.

Are you able to post the output from buildkite-agent pipeline upload --dry-run @nathan.pierce?

Hmm, here is the output of your test and mine in a dry-run:

  "steps": [
      "label": "test",
      "command": "echo hello world",
      "plugins": [
          "ecr#v1.1.4": {
            "login": true,
            "account_ids": "123",
            "no-include-email": true,
            "region": "us-west-2"
          "docker#v2.1.0": {
            "debug": false,
            "image": "",
            "workdir": "/data/job"
      "command": "echo \"+++ :hammer: Building\" \u0026\u0026 \\\necho 1 | ./ \u0026\u0026 \\\necho \"--- :compression: Compressing build directory\" \u0026\u0026 \\\ntar -pczf build.tar.gz build/\n",
      "label": ":centos: 7 Build",
      "agents": {
        "queue": "automation-large-builder-fleet"
      "artifact_paths": "build.tar.gz",
      "plugins": {
        "ecr#v1.1.4": {
          "login": true,
          "account_ids": "123",
          "no-include-email": true,
          "region": "us-west-2"
        "docker#v2.1.0": {
          "debug": true,
          "image": "",
          "workdir": "/data/job"
      "timeout": 60

I’m going to keep playing around with this… One thing I notice is that “plugins” is not an array like yours is. That could be the reason I’m not getting a mix up of the plugin order.

Yup, that is a difference! See my quote from earlier: