Pass PR labels to a triggered child build


I’m trying to have a step in triggered child pipeline being dependent on the PR label.

The child pipeline is triggered by a trigger step and as per the documentation, the branch and pull request environment variables are passed through:

  - trigger: "web-tests"
    label: ":hammer: Test"
    async: true
      message: "${BUILDKITE_MESSAGE}"
      commit: "${BUILDKITE_COMMIT}"
      branch: "${BUILDKITE_BRANCH}"

However, this doesn’t seem to work with the build.pull_request variables on the child pipeline.

I’ve tried the following expressions:

build.pull_request.labels includes "my-label"

and they both don’t work.

Am I missing something?

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Hi Olivier,

I am afraid we currently don’t have built-in support for this and you will need to use the GitHub Labels API to find those labels and triggered the right pipeline.

I’m sorry it’s not available right now, but I have filed your usecase internally as a feature request to the team that I hope we can add this in the future for you.


Thanks Juanito.

In the meantime, I got something working by using build meta-data and dynamic pipeline.

On the first pipeline, I have one step that use the conditional to set metadata:

  - label: ":triangular_flag_on_post:"
    command: buildkite-agent meta-data set "my-flag" "true"
    if: "build.pull_request.labels includes \"my label\""

I’ve then modified my trigger step to dynamically upload itself to the pipeline and set the env variables based on the meta-data set in that previous step.

- command: ".buildkite/"
  label: ":hammer: Test"



set -euo pipefail

# Set up a variable to hold the meta-data from previous steps
MY_FLAG="$(buildkite-agent meta-data get "my-flag" --default "")"

# Create a pipeline with the trigger step
  - trigger: \"web-tests\"
    label: \":hammer: Test\"
    async: true
      message: ${BUILDKITE_MESSAGE}
      commit: ${BUILDKITE_COMMIT}
      branch: ${BUILDKITE_BRANCH}
        MY_FLAG: ${MY_FLAG}

# Upload the new pipeline and add it to the current build
echo "$PIPELINE" | buildkite-agent pipeline upload
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2 years later, it seems this limitation still exist, I was going crazy facing this issue until I found this topic. I would be nice to update the documentation with this corner case, or even better to fix it.

Hello, @tetienne! Thank you for your feedback! We’ll analyze what can be done about this!


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