Run multiple repositories in a single pipeline

No worries :+1:

A trigger will create a new build on a pipeline. So you would need to create another pipeline and configure that one against the repo you are wanting to build. Then in your pipeline that is doing the triggering you won’t have to pass the repository because its configured at the pipeline already.

So, you would have pipelineA that is building repoA and pipelineB that is building repoB.
Then the steps in pipelineA have a trigger step targeting pipelineB. Eg: here you can see it trigger pipelineB on the same branch and commit (which if it is a different repo, might not match repoA but hopefully you can get the gist)

- trigger: pipelineB
    message: "${BUILDKITE_MESSAGE}"
    commit: "${BUILDKITE_COMMIT}"
    branch: "${BUILDKITE_BRANCH}"