Are the YML format commands sequences

When I had my pipeline auto translated to YML I got this:

    - command: "yarn\nnpm run upload"
      label: ":npm: build & publish"

But I was told you can also do this:

    - commands:
          - yarn
          - npm run upload

Is there a difference? Is the first sequences and the second not or are they both sequenced?

Hi @dht! There’s no real difference there — you can use either one, including this too:

  - commands: |
      npm run upload
    label: ":npm: build & publish"

All three of these will be run in the same way: the commands will be run in sequence, in the same job (and process), and will fail as soon as one of the commands fails.

Does that answer your question?

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Yes, it does, of course, tnx

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