2019-05-24 06:58:46 DEBUG CICDM016-1 GET https://agent.buildkite.com/v3/jobs/a12e2a3d-be99-4080-9bef-d1a4d3c9505f
2019-05-24 06:58:46 DEBUG CICDM016-1 ↳ GET https://agent.buildkite.com/v3/jobs/a12e2a3d-be99-4080-9bef-d1a4d3c9505f proto=HTTP/2.0 status=200 Δ=27.460123ms
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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| |__ _ _ _| | __| | | ___| |_ ___ __ _ __ _ ___ _ __ | |_
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|_.__/ \__,_|_|_|\__,_|_|\_\_|\__\___| \__,_|\__, |\___|_| |_|\__|
__/ |
http://buildkite.com/agent |___/
2019-05-24 07:03:17 NOTICE Starting buildkite-agent v3.11.2 with PID: 772
2019-05-24 07:03:17 NOTICE The agent source code can be found here: https://github.com/buildkite/agent
2019-05-24 07:03:17 NOTICE For questions and support, email us at: hello@buildkite.com
2019-05-24 07:03:17 INFO Configuration loaded path=/usr/local/etc/buildkite-agent/buildkite-agent.cfg
2019-05-24 07:03:17 DEBUG Bootstrap command: /usr/local/bin/buildkite-agent bootstrap
2019-05-24 07:03:17 DEBUG Build path: /Users/cicd/.buildkite-agent/builds
2019-05-24 07:03:17 DEBUG Hooks directory: /usr/local/etc/buildkite-agent/hooks
2019-05-24 07:03:17 DEBUG Plugins directory: /Users/cicd/.buildkite-agent/plugins
2019-05-24 07:03:17 INFO Registering agent 1 of 2 with Buildkite...
2019-05-24 07:03:17 DEBUG POST https://agent.buildkite.com/v3/register
2019-05-24 07:03:18 DEBUG ↳ POST https://agent.buildkite.com/v3/register proto=HTTP/2.0 status=201 Δ=266.298053ms
2019-05-24 07:03:18 INFO Registering agent 2 of 2 with Buildkite...
2019-05-24 07:03:18 DEBUG POST https://agent.buildkite.com/v3/register
2019-05-24 07:03:18 DEBUG ↳ POST https://agent.buildkite.com/v3/register proto=HTTP/2.0 status=201 Δ=37.774678ms
2019-05-24 07:03:18 INFO CICDM016-3 Connecting to Buildkite...
2019-05-24 07:03:18 INFO CICDM016-4 Connecting to Buildkite...
2019-05-24 07:03:18 DEBUG CICDM016-3 POST https://agent.buildkite.com/v3/connect
2019-05-24 07:03:18 INFO Started 2 Agent(s)
2019-05-24 07:03:18 INFO You can press Ctrl-C to stop the agents
2019-05-24 07:03:18 DEBUG CICDM016-4 POST https://agent.buildkite.com/v3/connect
2019-05-24 07:03:18 DEBUG CICDM016-4 ↳ POST https://agent.buildkite.com/v3/connect proto=HTTP/2.0 status=200 Δ=129.825443ms
2019-05-24 07:03:18 INFO CICDM016-4 Waiting for work...
2019-05-24 07:03:18 DEBUG CICDM016-4 GET https://agent.buildkite.com/v3/ping
2019-05-24 07:03:18 DEBUG CICDM016-3 ↳ POST https://agent.buildkite.com/v3/connect proto=HTTP/2.0 status=200 Δ=135.57234ms
2019-05-24 07:03:18 INFO CICDM016-3 Waiting for work...
2019-05-24 07:03:18 DEBUG CICDM016-3 GET https://agent.buildkite.com/v3/ping
2019-05-24 07:03:18 DEBUG CICDM016-3 ↳ GET https://agent.buildkite.com/v3/ping proto=HTTP/2.0 status=200 Δ=38.426374ms
From the logs above, I don’t see any reason this would happen. It caused some of our jobs to get “Agent Lost”. Other nodes running buildkite agents from the same network/switch were fine (I looked at their logs).
What do you suggest I check?