Buildkite agents are locked to AWS CLI v1


We’re trying to simplify our invocations of the AWS CLI commands in our pipeline shell scripts. We’d like to remove the need to supply the --region flag. AWS CLI v2 doesn’t require this if the AWS_REGION environment variable has been set. But going through the code, I see that the Buildkite agents are locked into v1 of the awscli package. What is the upgrade plan for getting to v2? Are there workarounds/alternatives for us being able to use v2 for our environment?

Hi @snasirca!

Welcome to the community! :blush:

If you are using our Elastic Stack, awscli package it’s upgraded to the last version (for Linux) when the AMI is built. If you are using Windows, it is stuck at the moment at version 1.18.11. We don’t have a timeline on when we are going to upgrade for Windows, but I’m going to let our engineers know about this.


Hi Paula,

I upgraded to the latest version of the Elastic Stack but have the same issue. We’re using Linux AMIs and I see the line of code that does the installation of the AWS CLI. But the version I observe during a build is still V1.


Could you contact and send a link to a build so we can have a better look? Thanks!