Cancel build Removes Browser Vertical Scroll

I think I have found a bug:

When canceling a build looking at all the builds for a branch:

canceling a build will disable the vertical scroll bars of the browser until the page is refreshed.
I am using Chrome for reference.

Hello, @kjoerres! Welcome to the community!
Thank you for your feedback! Can you please attach a screenshot of the issue so that I can replicate it?


Sure thing!

When initially going to the page, scroll bars are present.

But after canceling one of the builds here, the scroll bars are gone and scrolling does not work.

Thank you so much for the feedback and the screenshots, @kjoerres! The bug reliably reproduces wherever I tested it. I have filed a bug report & we’ll look into sorting this out. Thanks for reporting it!


Good spot on this one @kjoerres! We’re working on a fix and will have it implemented shortly.

Hello again @kjoerres, we’ve rolled out a fix for this one! Let us know if you encounter anything else :)

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