Cannot connect my Github repository to Buildkite

Hi Buildkite team,

I would like to tell you that there might be an issue with connect Github Action to Buildkite on my organization named Propte.

I have followed the steps in this documentation to connect my Github repository to Buildkite. As the result, my Github repository seems to be done with connecting to Buildkie, but somehow, the repository is not listed on the Buildkite site (in Buildkite / Repository Providers / Connect to Github Account section, it says that we don’t have any GitHub accounts with the Buildkite App installed.)

Could someone help me to take a look at it?

  1. In my Github repository, Buildkite apps were installed and configured already. (image 1)
  2. Buildkite pipelines are shown under checks section in my testing pull requests. (image 2)
  3. In Buildkite / Repository Providers / Connect to Github Account section, it says that we don’t have any GitHub accounts with the Buildkite App installed.
  4. In Buildkite Agent, it still asks us to configure Github Code Access although we have done it already (image 4)
  5. Pipelines are triggered right after I push a commit to my pull request, but the pipeline failed because the agent couldn’t fetch our forked repository (image 5)


I would like to ask why pipelines are triggered when I push new commits to my pull request, but the pipelines got failed with the error like the image below

Hello, @son.propte! Welcome to the Buildkite Community!

We’ve taken a look and the issue. The instructions in the documentation that you followed would have worked if you were running your own agents, but with Hosted agents, you need to connect to GitHub using code access (and I can see from your screenshots that you’ve already enabled the Buildkite Code Access app in your GitHub account - that’ll make the next steps a breeze!).

What you need to do is authorize Buildkite to access your repository now as follows:

  1. Navigate to your Buildkite organization’s settings page.

  2. On the left hand menu select Repository Providers.

  3. Select the GitHub (with code access) option.

  4. Follow the prompts to authorize the services on your GitHub account. You can restrict access to specific repositories during setup.

This should solve the issues you’re having.


Hi @karen.sawrey , thanks for your supporting.

I still have a tiny question, could you tell me why we grant permissions for Buildkite Code Access already and the repo is also listed in Connect to GitHub Account but we still need to connect the repo from GitHub (with code access) option?

Hey @son.propte :wave:

Welcome to the community!

When you configure Buildkite code access, once you choose git organisation, you will be prompted to choose all or selected repositories to be included in the scope. That is all you need to select repositories.

In case you missed to include any repository, you can still do it through Buildkite code access app configure option in Github.

Let us know if this is still not letting you clone your repository.


Hi @Priya , thanks for your help. It works after reconnecting the repo to Buildkite.