Clean up queue of a specific agent or prioritize job on agent

We have two steps that needs to run in the same server, the problem is that sometimes there is another job that get’s in the middle of these two steps. Is there a way to manage the jobs that are waiting for an agent? I would like to send every other jobs to some other agents, or at least put the job that I need first in the agent queue. Thank you!

​Hello, @sanflores! Welcome to the community!

There are two most straight-forwards ways to achieve what you would like to do.

You can either lower the priority of the job that you don’t want to interfere with other jobs - which will ensure that it won’t “jump the line”.
Or you can set specific step dependencies that make sure that the steps run in the desired order.

I hope this helps.

UPD: I recommend that you go with step dependencies because the priority workaround might still not work as required in your case.


The step dependency is already set, but some times the agent grabs another job from another pipeline instead.

For clarification, I have pipelines 1 with 2 steps: Step1A and Step1B, Step1B depends on Step1A.
If Step1A runed on machine 23, Step1B will be run in machine 23

But sometimes, between those steps the agent runs a StepABC from another pipeline, and Step1B waits for machine 23 until StepABC finishes (which can take a long time).

Is there a way to make Step1B first in the queue for machine 23?

Yes, @sanflores! In this case, you’ll be able to set to desired execution order by using concurrency groups.

