Depends_on with conditional


I have a steps with depends_on: keyName

But I want to have the keyName on depends_on based on variable which I am setting when starting the job.

For example I would want for a mobile platform to have depends_on: download and if the platform is web to be depends_on: install.

The logic will be used on a running test step which would have this depends_on dynamic.


Hey @UnknownTester404 :wave:

Seems like this might be related to your other question here?

There are a few ways you could do this,

Here’s one example:


set -euo pipefail


cat << EOF | buildkite-agent pipeline upload
        - label: "hello world"
          command: echo "Hello World"
          key: ${FOO}
        - label: "second command"
          command: echo "a second command is run"
           - "${FOO}"

In the above example, I’ve declared FOO in my script, and then generated my pipeline steps in a heredoc, referencing FOO to set the key in the uploaded pipeline yaml.

Another way would be to directly reference the variables in your pipeline YAML:

        - label: "hello world"
          command: echo "Hello World"
          key: $FOO
        - label: "second command"
          command: echo "a second command is run"
           - $FOO

There are some caveats to referencing your environment variables directly in the pipeline yaml like this - which are outlined in our docs. The short version of the doc I linked is:

As long as you have declared the value of FOO in the job environment before the pipeline upload is called, the pipeline yaml should be parsed correctly.

Hope that helps!

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