[Feat Request] Cmd+Enter for Input Prompts

We can already press cmd+enter to jump from all input fields and click “Create Build” on this prompt:

But we can’t do the same on the Input Step Prompts, like here:

As a user I would like the behaviour to be consistent across prompts. I would like to be able to press cmd+enter and have the “Continue” button clicked.

Hey @hkatz.ngrok,

Welcome to the Buildkite community forum !

Thank you for your feedback, I have already passed it to the product Team and we will keep you updated!

Thank you,

Much appreciated @ivanna :bowing_man:

Hey @hkatz.ngrok

Sharing an reply from our Product Team:

Thank you for your feature request.
We are currently looking at ways to improve the block and input step functionality.
I’m add your feedback for consideration as we start to scope out the work.

If there is anything else we can assist with, get in touch!

