File Filter Github Actions Style

I have a pipeline that runs unittests in buildkite.
At my old job I did it with github actions and we had a file filter like this

  # Trigger the workflow on push to main
    - cron: '30 10 * * *'
      - main
      - 'megatron/**'
     - '!megatron/megatron/configs/**.yaml'
      - 'megatron/**'
      - '!megatron/megatron/configs/**.yaml'

Is there a way to implement this in buildkite?
If not is there a workaround where a github action could trigger buildkite?

Hi @sshleifer ,

For this Github action, you can create a Buildkite pipeline with a scheduled builds specified by its cron intervals. You can read more about that in our docs here - Scheduled builds | Buildkite Documentation.

For filtering the events to trigger the builds, once the Github webhooks are setup, you can specify the branch configuration and settings in your pipelines where you can specify conditional and branch filtering patterns to configure your pipelines. GitHub | Buildkite Documentation

Additionally, you can specify the pipeline settings on running builds on pull requests as mentioned in our docs here GitHub | Buildkite Documentation

As for triggering builds based on file paths, we can do that with the use of one of our plugins - GitHub - buildkite-plugins/monorepo-diff-buildkite-plugin: Run separate pipelines for each folder in your monorepo - where you can use the path and skip_path attributes accordingly.

Hope this helps!
