Hi Buildkite Community,
Apologies if this has already been covered, but I couldn’t find anything in the docs or the forum. Is there a way to prevent manual builds but still allow team members to run rebuilds on branches? We sometimes want engineers to be able to retry a build on a branch, but we’re looking to set up a secure pipeline that can only run commits from a particular branch and can’t be overridden through a manual build.
Hello, @geoffharcourt !
Due to the nature of how permissions work in Buildkite organizations, as long as an engineer belongs to a team in your Buildkite organization that has the right to modify pipeline and/or run builds/rebuilds (Full Access or Build & Read), there wouldn’t be a way to restrict them from performing a manual rebuild.
Since in your use case, you want to set up a secure pipeline that can only run commits from a particular branch and you want to prevent unwanted manual builds/rebuilds, my recommendation would be to create a new separate team with Build & Rebuild rights to that particular pipeline alone and make sure that they know what is allowed and not allowed to be done on that pipeline.
While manual rebuild permissions are not documented specifically, we do cover how teams and permissions work in our docs here.
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Thanks for the direction here, @karen.sawrey !
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