Agent stuck canceling?

I have a pipeline that’s hanging in the “canceling” state after 15 minutes, and the only way I was able to free up my agent was to manually kill and redeploy the agent. How do I debug this?

It appears that communication with the BK backend may be disrupted?

Hey @cwawrzonek

We have an incident going on right now, that is causing this to happen

We’re seeing a recurrence of the same unusually high-level of agent API activity, and are looking to mitigate

You can follow the updates on Buildkite Status - Agent API degraded


Thank you!

Hey @cwawrzonek,

The incident has been successfully been resolved as of yesterday. You can find a detailed post-mortem on Buildkite Status - Agent API degraded

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out to us at

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation
