Automatic PR comment

buildkite-agent annotate is a great feature when you want to present output that should stand out for a build. I think it’s particular useful when there is a myriad of log output for a build, but really only a subset is that most important thing to present to an end-user.

I have a few usecases where I’d like to run analysis of source code and I would like to make a comment in the pull request to force the developers to notice it. Using buildkite-agent annotate is not enough as developers mostly are looking at the the Buildkite builds only when they are failing. does this and we’ve been very useful with that service.

To be able to do above today, I need to create my own Github API key (or app), configure a secret environment variable for it in Buildkite, and then have some script which makes the comment (likely based on BUILDKITE_PULL_REQUEST).

Now to my idea: How about introducing buildkite-agent comment which, similarly to buildkite-agent annotate, would post a comment to Github. If Buildkite is made a public Github app (instead of manually registering webhooks on a repo) I think it might be given write-access to a repository’s issues and not just read access.

I’d say there is a trend where Github bots are communicating in pull requests and we’ve found it very useful.

I’d love to hear what you think.

I’d like to have this feature. Especially as it is impossible to rely on BUILDKITE_PULL_REQUEST.

How do you mean @louis?

I mean that when pushing a branch and then immediately opening a pull request, the build started by buildkite when the branch was pushed can’t be attached to the pull request. BUILDKITE_PULL_REQUEST is false. Which is logical because of the order of the events. But sometimes a bit annoying.

If we had buildkite-agent comment not relying on BUILDKITE_PULL_REQUEST, it could solve this problem.

I would be fine providing a personal token too.

If Buildkite is made a public Github app (instead of manually registering webhooks on a repo) I think it might be given write-access to a repository’s issues and not just read access.

Agreed on this one, we are planning to do this.

Totally late to this, but thought you might be interested in knowing that we avoid this problem by setting Branch Limiting on our pipelines to master. I am still getting builds for any commits to master, and any Pull Request events, but we are not triggering builds for branch pushes unless there’s an open PR.

Now that the Buildkite GitHub app is the recommended way of connecting a GitHub repo, are there any plans on adding better support for commenting from pipelines?

E.g. some way of proxying requests to GitHub, probably in an intermediate format to allow for different kinds of access? E.g. fetch a list of comments and update a comment if a comment matches a condition, else create a new one.
This could enforce that a job can only access comments on the linked PR.

Hi @Valkum and thank you for the feedback!
This isn’t something that’s supported at this time, but that may change later. In the meantime, one approach is by using a GitHub personal access token to call the GitHub API directly, allowing you to script the logic for finding an existing comment or creating a new one.
That said, we also have a plugin for this: GitHub - buildkite-plugins/pr-commenter-buildkite-plugin: 🔌 A Buildkite plugin for posting comments from a step to a PR.
Hopefully this helped - let us know if you have any other questions!