Buildkite-agent artifact download --pipeline --branch --last-passed

For hand deployments it could be useful feature.

buildkite-agent artifact download --pipeline myPipName --branch myBranchName --last-passed arfifactPath .

to download the given artifact from the last passed build for the given pipeline and branch name.

It will be indeed really useful in case we want to download a test report.


Thanks for the feedback! Not sure if it’s something that we can work on but it sound very interesting. Would you mind creating this feature request in the agent repo?


I will think about it.

Meanwhile, I created a script using the GraphQL API to download an artifact on the latest success build of the main branch:


response=$(curl -s \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $BUILDKITE_API_ACCESS_TOKEN" \
  -d '{"query":"{pipeline(slug:\"myorg/mypipeline\"){builds(branch:\"main\",state:PASSED,first:1){edges{node{jobs(first:1,step:{key: \"knapsack\"}){edges{node{ ... on JobTypeCommand{artifacts{edges{node{downloadURL}}}}}}}}}}}}"}')

artifact_url=$(grep -E -o "https://[^ \"]+" <<< "$response")

curl -s $artifact_url > knapsack_rspec_report.json

I will create a private plugin to wrap it.

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