Dark Mode for the User Interface

This is more of a quality of life request, but I would love to see a dark mode version of the User Interface.

Virtually all the Development tools we use support dark mode, and our eyes would sure appreciate the break from all that searing white.

I just tried this DarkReader extension in Firefox it looks like it does a very good job for that.

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I think this becomes higher priority after github release dark schema. It is like a flash right to my face, every time I click a build link.

Please, add it. Shouldn’t be super hard to do.


I feel the same as Alex. Very Jarring to go from Github Darkmode to Buildkite’s blinding white background, even with night mode enabled.

I love buildkite and everything about it. Rarely have to go to the UI (which is a great thing btw), but when I do it hurts the eyes.

Seems like it’s one of the few dev tools I use that’s the last holdout on darkmode. I’m sure there are good reasons for it, but I look forward to when this gets released. :-)

Not to add pressure, but AWS Console also has a dark mode now. This would be a great addition for UX.


We definitely agree with you and feel your pain here and it’s something we hear about quite a bit and the Design team is planning on a solution. While there isn’t anything official as of right now, there are community-created themes like: GitHub - one-dark/buildkite-dark-theme: Relieve the stress on your eyes when using Buildkite with this custom dark theme!
I’ll add you +1 on this feature.


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Same. I’m getting a tan over here on late work-nights. It’s the only tool I use that doesn’t have dark mode.

Hey @ivari

Thank you for your feedback. We still have this in our feature backlog. In the meantime, please take a look at Paula’s suggestion, one of our community-created themes: GitHub - one-dark/buildkite-dark-theme: Relieve the stress on your eyes when using Buildkite with this custom dark theme!.
I also added your +1 to this feature.

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+1 for me for dark mode support, please :pray:

(I’d say “how could you not have implemented this yet”, but dark mode support is still sitting in the backlog for my own static site generator, so … glass houses and all :wink:)

Hey Duncan :wave:

Welcome to Buildkite community!

Thanks for adding your vote to this feature. We will add you as +1 for this feature, meanwhile, please take a look at comminity created theme GitHub - one-dark/buildkite-dark-theme: Relieve the stress on your eyes when using Buildkite with this custom dark theme! if it’s helpful.


It’s been a long time coming, but we’re happy to share dark mode is now available:

In your user menu you can set Buildkite to display in light or dark mode, or adapt to your system theme:

Note that dark mode is experimental and you may encounter issues. If you have any feedback or find any issues, please reach out—thanks!

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Happy to have dark mode, but I’ve been running into issues.

  • Text edges are “soft”, making it harder to read. It seems to get worse over time.
  • Thin lines (e.g. around step headings) flicker when scrolling. Like with the text, it degrades over time with lines no longer being consistent (visually as if 1 side is 2 pixels thick and the other just 1).

Light mode is unaffected.

I took the liberty of peaking at the CSS and saw that filter does some of the heavy lifting. I suspect a browser bug may be responsible (only explanation I can think of for the thin line issues) and possibly a bad interaction with a font smoothing implementation (set by the browser/OS, can be influenced in CSS via the non-standard font-smooth property).

Relevant info;

  • Firefox 131.0.3 (Edge 130 in unaffected)
  • macOS 14.7 (M1 MBP)
  • Using an external display (builtin display is affected as well, though to a much lesser degree)

Hi @mele-canva ,

Welcome to the Buildkite Support Community! :wave:

Thanks for the feedback on our Dark Mode theme. I’ll pass this on to our product team.


Thanks for the detailed write-up @mele-canva! We’ll do some testing in Firefox 131.0.3 and see if we can identify a fix for you.

A screenshot highlighting the step headings/thin lines you’re referring to would be very helpful too, even if the screenshot itself can’t convey the actual visual issue you see :pray:

I don’t think this will help, but just to rule it out: does running this snippet in your browser console to apply subpixel antialiasing help?

// Render elements with subpixel antialiasing
function applySubpixelAntialiasing() {
  const styleTag = document.createElement('style');
  styleTag.innerHTML = `
    html.ui-inverted * {
      -moz-osx-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased !important;
      -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased !important;



No observable difference after running the script.

As for a screenshot…

Left: Chromium
Right: Firefox

Looking closer now at the side-by-side, everything has a blur. Text is just the most obvious.