A11y settings for viewers with sensitive vision

As we began the rollout of Buildkite at Slack, one of our developers flagged the following issue:

“I know some folks really like the dark mode, but I’m opposite. Due to my sensitive eyes, I can’t see text if contrast is so high like black background and white text. BuildKite’s console log really bothers my eyes and I can’t see things clearly. The background and text colors in Jenkins were reasonably fine to me. If there is a way to change settings, please let me know.”

I proposed downloading the log as a workaround, but this is far from ideal. Please build a setting to toggle for this. Thanks!

Hi @valera! :wave:

Thank you for your suggestion! I will mention your feedback to our creative team :slightly_smiling_face:


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Hey @valera! I know it’s been a while but we have some good news!

We’ve now shipped a light theme option for job logs on the build summary page. Check out our changelog post for more details. Thank you for your suggestion, we hope this works well for you.


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