We recently enabled the “create a separate GitHub status check for every job” box (https://buildkite.com/blog/step-commit-status), which is fantastic! Able to give much faster feedback on the quick stuff, like formatting and linters.
Unfortunately we ran smack into the weirdness around emoji names that was previously reported here: https://github.com/buildkite/agent/issues/374. We now have a bunch of status checks named stuff like “light-bulb-light-bulb-run-tests”, which are pretty ugly.
That issue was closed due to inactivity, but I wanted to re-register interest in getting it fixed. The proposal in that issue for allowing manual name specification
Thanks @benesch! Welcome to the forum, and thanks for posting such a thorough suggestion.
This is actually in the works already, and with an API that’s actually very close to what you’ve suggested. When it’s ready for testing or release, we’ll let you know here.
We’re still working on this feature, and it’s in private beta — it definitely hasn’t been tossed. We’re hoping to have it released in private beta in the coming months.
Is there any way of formatting the pipeline step names for the statuses, such that the emoji don’t come through in the status name?
Emoji in pipeline = , Emoji names in :github: status names =
Thank you for your message and welcome to the community forum
I’m afraid those emoji names are always going to be passed through… One thing that may be worth exploring is creating emojis that have names that make sense for the status, e.g. instead of using a “microscope” emoji, create an emoji called “canary” that could even have the same icon, then the status name would be “canary-test” instead of “microscope-test”.
You can submit a PR to the emoji repo if you think that’s a good approach.
If you think it would be better for us to filter out the emoji entirely for status names, would you mind creating a feature request?