Support GitHub's Organisation webhooks

GitHub support webhooks at the organisation level. It would be nice to be able to add a single GitHub webhook to my Buildkite organisation, so that I don’t have to set up webhooks for each pipeline separately.

Welcome, and thanks for the request @CarrotCodes! This is being planned for when we update our GitHub integration, as we know it’s a pain to update/set all the webhooks separately.


Awesome, thanks for the quick reply :+1:

I hope this is still planned. Updating webhooks is a chore!

Thanks for the bump @tomafro.

We’ve recently updated our webhook permissions for Repositories .:dancer: They can now be auto-created for all new pipelines; we’re hoping to expand this into more places soon. I’ve just published a changelog over here:


That’s brilliant, thanks @anon57234190. Is it possible to auto-create github webhooks via the REST API too? That would make my life even easier.

@tomafro I totally should have anticipated that question! No, not yet I’m afraid. But bear with me, I’d like to get that change out pretty soon.

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Hi @anon57234190,

I hope you are doing well.

I wonder if there is any news about the possibility of auto-create GitHub webhooks programmatically?

Thank you very much :)

Hi @verogo!

Thanks for following up on this feature. We currently do not have an available API that auto-creates the Github Webhook for the repository on pipeline creation. However, we have an available API to add the webhooks. You can find more details here Pipelines API | Buildkite Documentation.
