Test Analytics: Golang Test Annotations (span data)

Here at greymatter.io we use the Buildkite Test Analytics feature and heavily rely on Golang internally.

We would love to see some features like the Ruby plugins for the test collector where we can annotate our tests and see span data across our individual unit tests. We’d also be more than happy to contribute this feature if we can be pointed in the right direction!

Hey @alec.holmes :wave:,

This is Suma from Buildkite support team. Thank you for reaching out to us with your question.

Today we do not have a test collector for Go but we have Configuring Go with Test Analytics | Buildkite Documentation which explains how to use Test Analytics with your Golang projects use gotestsum to generate JUnit XML files which you can upload to Test Analytics.

Regarding creating a plugin, here is our documentation Writing plugins | Buildkite Documentation which explains about how to create one. Here is a plugin GitHub - bugcrowd/test-summary-buildkite-plugin: Buildkite plugin to summarise all test failures as an annotation which adds a single annotation for all your test failures using buildkite-agent annotate

Hopefully this information is helpful.
