Download build artifacts from custom storage location

We are successfully uploading build artifacts to our own GCS bucket, using the gcp-workload-identity-federation plugin, by adding

export BUILDKITE_ARTIFACT_UPLOAD_DESTINATION=gs://<bucket>/<some>/<path>
buildkite-agent artifact upload "build/packages/**/*.apk"

to the commands: array.

However, the corresponding download buildkite-agent artifact download "build/packages/**/*.apk" . fails, as in

2024-08-31 16:53:52 INFO   Searching for artifacts: "build/packages/**/*.apk"
fatal: failed to download artifacts: No artifacts found for downloading

Is artifact download from GCS currently supported? If not, is there a workaround?

Oh nevermind… I can just run gcloud storage cp -R $$BUILDKITE_ARTIFACT_UPLOAD_DESTINATION . “by hand”.


Glad to hear you found a way! :slight_smile:

Hey @faultymajority,
This is great thing that you found a solution to your problem from yourself. :grinning: