I know our longest builds take about 35 minutes, so I sometimes crudely set an alarm to check on it. However this doesn’t let me know when a build finishes (fails) much earlier, or if it takes a few minutes longer.
A simple but effective solution would be to have buildkite build tabs make a ding, and/or do a local notification when the build finishes. Ideally it would be easy to opt-in or out, only happen for tabs that are on a specific build (not branch/org). Perhaps the build page can have a non-persistent checkbox on it?
I think the notification would be much more useful for me, as I don’t always have my audio turned on.
There is CCMenu (OSX) and CCTray (Windows) which can notify you when builds run/finish/error. Buildkite do have documentation on this integration if you want to give it a whirl.
So I’ve actually spiked this out a few times, but I’m afraid I kept getting stuck with some weird edge cases and it never managed to make it past that prototype phase.
This is a thing we’ve been cooking up over the last year or so. It’s still very much in the pre-alpha stage. It current replicates the behaviour of the “My Builds” dropdown.
If you’re on OSX and you’re interested in giving it a go, I can add send you a private invite! (send me an email at keith@buildkite.com) (just promise you won’t tell anyone about it and keep it a secret )
I might mark this topic as solved for now (since our current plan is to aim for an actual app instead of browser notifications) - but that could change again in the future!
Thanks @jacob for the suggestion, I’ve tried them before, but I’ve found their UI was clumsy, and they were way to noisy for what I was interested in.
@therealbnut I agree regarding CCMenu. The biggest downfall for me is that you can’t filter based on author, only pipeline or branch.
I ended up using https://buildkite.com/organizations/<YOUR_ORGANISATION>/services which works very well if you use something like slack. You can set it to send you a message whenever one of your builds passes or fails. Quite a bit of setup involved and not easy to roll out ot others in your team, but it works quite well as a temporary solution.