More job list tabs

The intention of this tab is so folks can see what is causing their build to not pass

In my case, what was causing my build to not pass were waiting jobs :)

I share sympathies with the “failed” jobs UX sentiments. I personally would like to see the entire build state reset on job retry (my org has an “automatic retries” via the buildkite api for when our spot instances terminate, so we hit this a decent amount + this state propagates back to Github which further compounds confusion), but not necessarily my intentions here.

Do you think that tab would be a focal point over the “All” tab while a pipeline is running?

Absolutely not. I very much think my use case is with a slightly atypical pipeline setup and even then, I would wager I’d only use this 1 or fewer times a month. If this were implemented, I could see myself getting value from it, but very aware it might be too niche to make a prominent button/dropdown here.

FWIW, I am also a big fan of the$ORGANIZATION/jobs page for similar cases in dealing with troublesome jobs waiting :)