Using Buildkite's API to get group step status

I am using Buildkite’s API to get the status of a group step. This is important because inside the group there are multiple steps that I’d like to make sure are finished. Is there a way to query the group step status via API? Currently using the builds API and looking for jobs inside the builds, the groups are not showing up as a job?

Hey Alan :blush:,

Welcome to the community and thanks for reaching out!

That’s quite an interesting question. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a way to query the group step through the GRAPHQL API, I could only do this using the step key for individual steps. As it not one of the optional parameters listed here , it couldn’t be done using the REST API as well.

With individual Step Keys
query {
pipeline(slug: “org-slug/pipeline-slug”) {
builds(first:100) {
edges {
node {
jobs(first: 10, step: { key: “step-key” }){
edges {
node {
… on JobTypeCommand {

build {
